No matter how you communicate, the credentials you use for everyday access to information are becoming more valuable.

Viruses, malware, phishing and hacks are all terms employees need to understand and share the responsibility to protect the company information along with employers providing the training and resources to identify the constant inbound risks.

  • Just because a mail claims to be from your boss telling you to transfer a large sum of money, doesn’t mean its legitimate.
  • Just because you want free stuff, an unsolicited email offering you a too good to be true deal is just that – too good to be true.
  • Complicated passwords and multi-factor authentication ensure security – and cannot be considered too painful to do!

This month, many customers have been assessing their staff to see the risk that they could pose to the organisation. In some cases, the results are startling, with staff providing signalling to a potential bad actors of a user awaiting to be attacked and most worryingly, giving up vital business credentials in return for fake entitlements.

The mantra of CyberSecurity Month is Think before You Click! In todays highly pressured work environment, with so much repetition, are you sure you and your staff have the tools to make the right call and Think before You Click!

If you have concerns as to how your company might stack up against a cybersecurity attack – request your free report –